August 2021

Work Harder on Yourself than Your Job

This week’s focus will be on coming back to what is important. I LOVE my job and that’s probably why it consumes so much of my time and energy. My life cannot be my job because the truth is I am replaceable to them. Yes I am valued, but I am valued more by God and my family. Spent a lot of time yesterday on perspective and setting up my week for success. Not work success, but personal success.
What are your core values? Write them down. How can you focus on those values this week? What actions can you take this week?

Conquer the Mountain

We all have “mountains” in our lives. It’s how you deal with that “mountain” shows what you are made of. Success is the small efforts repeated every day. Keeping a positive attitude in everything you do no matter how big or small. Finding the good. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negativity of the world and join them. Don’t give in. You only have this life to live so make sure you live it how you want to live it. Not by what someone is telling you how to live it.