Being Comfortable Means Zero Growth
This week is about getting out of your comfort zone.
If you aren’t growing you are dying.
Learn something new this week!
Try something new you haven’t tried before!
Read a book for 10 minutes everyday!
This week is about getting out of your comfort zone.
If you aren’t growing you are dying.
Learn something new this week!
Try something new you haven’t tried before!
Read a book for 10 minutes everyday!
Weekly Motto!
Just start on whatever your goal is. I can guarantee you will figure it out as you go. If you are afraid to fail, then you won’t succeed. Trying and failing still gets you closer than not trying at all.
Small steps everyday leads to big changes. Be persistent!
Be consistent!
Never Give Up!!
This week is all about recommitting to WHY you want that goal. Why do you want to (insert your goal here)? In order to do this you really have to dig deep inside yourself. It has to be something that just by thinking about it you immediately become motivated again. Willingness to do something doesn’t matter anymore because it is a have to, no questions asked.
If it is important to you, you will make time. Make the time everyday to get one small step closer to your goal!