April 2022

There is No Magic Pill

We just want a quick fix to be this healthy person. Workouts won’t do it alone (believe me I know…).
How many times have you lost weight just to gain it all back. It’s because you didn’t address the real reason you gained the weight in the first place. Why do you overeat? Why do you eat food that doesn’t nourish your body (besides the fact that it tastes good)?
That’s your challenge for this week. Really dig deep in reflection on the real reasons you eat the way you do. What can you improve on? What works for you? How can you hold yourself accountable? No one can do it for you. It’s all you!!

Manage Your Inner Critic

We all have it…that little voice inside saying we can’t do something, we aren’t good enough, we could never achieve….
Your challenge this week is to notice when that voice starts and silence it. Catch yourself saying I would…., but….. or that fear creeping in with the what if’s.
Know that you are enough! You can do the hard things. Those hard things make us better. Yes, you might fail, but as long as you learn from it and try again. That’s what life is all about.

No More Fat Talk

What the heck is fat talk? Here are some examples:
“You look great! Have you lost weight?”
“I just feel fat.”
“I can’t believe I pigged out so bad!”
“I was really bad today and ate pizza.”
“I can only wear that if I lost 10 lbs.”

Most people are guilty of making these kind of statements. It’s become normal and comfortable. These statements also lead to crash diets & unhealthy negative self talk.

Your challenge this week is to notice when fat talk comes out of your mouth. Then stop what you are saying and turn it into something positive about yourself. One great tip is to stop thinking externally and think internally. What behaviors, talents, passions, skills do you have?

If you made a list of 10 of your favorite things about your best friend, I highly doubt weight would be one of them. Be your own best friend.

Be Perfectly Imperfect

Embrace all those “imperfections” that you think about yourself. Those are the things that make you who you are. Your challenge for this week is to think about the things you think are imperfections and put them in a positive light. What you tell yourself you will believe.