May 2022

Stop Trying to Fix People

This week I want you to think about that friend you keep giving advice to and they won’t listen. I challenge you to try this instead: stop and just listen to them. Let them work it out in their own way. You have no idea all the thoughts going on inside their head. You only know what they choose to tell you. So be a sounding board for them. When they actually get out of that bad situation they will be thankful you were there for them and PROUD of themselves because they did it. They made the choice to improve themselves.

Practice Letting Go

We all have that friend or family member who is just drama. Or maybe you are that friend or family member…
This week I want to challenge you to let that drama in your life go. We all have drama in our lives, BUT it’s how you react to it that matters. You can’t control how others act but you can control you. You GET to make that choice of whether to join in on it and become stressed, frustrated, annoyed, etc… or you make the choice to not engage.
You make the choice to take the high road no matter how steep it feels. Charge up that hill and when you get to the top throw your hands up in victory because you did it!

What Can You Control

I am a recovering control freak. My mindset was that everything needed to be a certain way & people should act a certain way. By certain way I mean my way (aka the right way 😂)
As I am continuing this personal growth journey, I realized I can only control myself. I can control how I react to situations. I can control the habits and activities I do in a daily basis. I cannot control what other people do or don’t do. Yes, it’s frustrating when you see someone not trying to reach their potential, but it’s not your job.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Be a control freak with your reactions