June 2022

Be Part of the Solution

Don’t be a CNI!!
Everybody does it…. Every single on of us.

We vent & complain about the things that bother us. This is HEALTHY. If you keep it in all the time, you will eventually blow up on someone that probably doesn’t deserve it.
Where the UNHEALTHY part comes in is if you become the CNI – chronic negative influence. The person that constantly complains, but never bring me a realistic solution. Has the attitude that it can’t change anyway.
Everything can change! It may not be exactly what you wanted or not as fast as you wanted, but life does not stand still.
My challenge to you is to ge part of the solution. If you see a problem, what can you do about it in a healthy way? How can you improve the situation.
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Start the momentum and you will see others following.

Be a Legend

Believe you are a legend in your mind. Believe that you are awesome! At the end of the day, it’s all about what you believe.
How well do you treat yourself in your thoughts & actions?
This week I challenge you to:
1. Start by liking yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what is great about you.
2. Notice your inner critic. This inner critic doesn’t need to be your truth.
3. Remember we all have bad days because we are human. Accept it and move forward.
4. Start over with step 1 and repeat.

People are watching and listening to how you treat yourself. That is how they will treat you also.

You decide how to talk to yourself
You decide how you treat your body
You decide the people you let in your life
You decide what/who influences you
You decide what is important to you

Life is 10% what happens to you & 90% how you react to it

Let it Go!

Holding on to resentments is like setting yourself on fire and hoping the person chokes on the smoke.

Letting go of those resentments means you love yourself more. All that bitterness and anger just builds up and does nothing but harm. Plus the person you are holding that grudge against either doesn’t know or doesn’t care. Love yourself enough to move on with your life.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how you react to it. You control your reactions. You can’t control others.

Go After Your Passion

We all have that thing inside our heads of what we want to start doing, but we have at least one excuse why we shouldn’t. And that excuse keeps winning. The challenge this week is to take a small step towards that goal that puts butterflies in your stomach. No excuses, just start. Don’t go overboard, just small incremental steps will keep you moving and keep those excuses at bay.

5 reasons to do this right now:
1. You will gain self confidence
2. You will have fewer regrets on your deathbed
3. You will inspire others!
4. You will have something positive to focus on
5. You will generally just feel good