October 2022

Find Your Tribe

The older we get the harder it is to make and especially keep friends. Life changes with kids, jobs, moving to new area, interests, etc…. happen. It’s part of life and how we grow as a person.
This week I challenge you to do 2 things:
1. Assess who are the 5 people you surround yourself with most. Do they help you be a better person? Do they make you happy? Do they bring you down? If they are the first two keep them and hold on tight. If they bring you down or just not the person you want to become or be, you need to really think about that relationship and if it’s worth it.
2. Those friends that are bringing you joy and making you better. This week be intentional with those people. Call them, do something together. Life goes by quick and you have to be intentional with maintaining those friendships.

Don’t wait for your tribe to come to you. You may be waiting around forever. Be proactive in your efforts to create your tribe.

Gratitude Attitude

This week I challenge you to start a new daily habit of writing down what you are grateful for. No matter how bad your day was, there will always be at least 1 thing you can be grateful for.
Step 1: Pick a time each day for it. For example: before you get out of bed, drinking your 1st coffee, drive to/from work or errands, before you go to bed. Whatever works for you to be consistent.
Step 2: Get out a piece of paper or open the notes feature on your phone.
Step 3: Reflect on your life/day and write down at least 3 things you are grateful for.

Bonus ideas:
❤️ leave a note for someone to tell them how much they mean to you or for something they did that you appreciate
❤️ look someone in the eyes when thanking them at the restaurant/store
❤️ Smile at everyone. It’s amazing how that smile could change someone’s day

The Perfect Body….

The perfect body we strive so hard for will not bring happiness. You may be happy for a short time if you hit your goal weight or measurements, but what happens when the scale tips just a little bit?
What you have going on on the outside says absolutely NOTHING about what you have going on on the inside.
You have to work on the inside first. You have to face those demons you are avoiding. Feed your soul instead of tearing it down.
What are you afraid might happen if you don’t have the perfect body? The people around you that truly love you don’t care what you look like.
Every bit of you is perfect, unique, and amazing! So many people love and adore you for who you are. Start believing them

Give Yourself a Rest Day

We are starting a new month which means it’s a perfect time to add something new while you are planning your month. Your challenge: Add in at least 1 rest day each week into your busy life.

What’s a rest day? It’s taking time off to let your body and mind recover. It’s taking time to reflect on the week and spend time with your family. It’s making memories that will keep you going and looking forward to the next rest day. It’s grabbing that book you been wanting to read. It’s doing the self care you have been putting off.

What it’s not? It’s not spending the day on the couch watching Netflix. It’s not scrolling through social media all day. It’s not running around trying to get all the things done.

Pick a day or even start with half a day and see how much more refreshed you feel.