#64 – Meditate
This week isn’t about sitting cross legged on the floor for a long period of time. It’s about spending a few minutes focused on your breathing. There are so many proven health benefits to doing this that makes it worth it.
Easy: When you get overwhelmed or stressed, try this intentional count breathing exercise. Count 1 on inhale, and 1 on exhale, count for 2 on inhale and 2 on exhale. Continue until you get to 5. Close your eyes to avoid distractions. Focusing on the numbers also helps stop your mind from wandering. Breathe slowly.
Medium: Do a breathing exercise 2-5 minutes everyday this week. Set a timer and start with 2 minutes and work your way up. Do the counting method in the easy challenge or I like to inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, and then exhale for 4. You can change up the counting on what works best for you.
Hard: Consistency is key so let’s up the game to 60 days to make it a habit in your life. Doing it at the same time everyday will help establish the habit – right before you go to bed to clear your mind or 1st thing in the morning to start your day off. Another way is to repeat a mantra with your breathing. Breathe in – I am, Breathe out – (insert your word). Repeat this over and over for at least 2 minutes.
There are also apps that you can use if you want something guided. Try different methods to see what works for you.