November 2023

God is Always at Work

Esther is someone that I would now consider a role model. If you haven’t read this book yet, get your Bible out and read it. It will inspire you, give you hope, and let you know that God always has a plan.

Here is the story in my own words and my own understanding. Esther becomes Queen after the original queen refused an order from the King. She was picked from among thousands of beautiful women. She was humble when it came to meeting the King and took others advice.  Before she became queen, Mordecai adopted her. She was his cousin. He told her not tell the King where she came from or her religion. This will become important later in the story. Esther listened to him and the King never knew or asked. This is definitely a God plan in action.

Fast forward in the story – Mordecai overheard a couple guards talking about assassinating the King. He told Esther who then went to the King to save him. She saved the King with Mordecai’s help.

Meanwhile, Haman, who was the 2nd in command from the King, was a very prideful, boastful man. Everyone that he met had to bow before him. Mordecai refused to do this which made Haman so angry he couldn’t see straight. Haman went to the King and convinced the King that the Jews were a problem and they needed to be destroyed. The King trusted Haman and made the decree that a year from then every Jew can and would be killed. Mordecai and the rest of the Jews heard the decree and went into mourning. Basically waiting for their death. Mordecai went back to Esther to ask for help to save HER people. Remember, the King doesn’t know that she is a Jew. Esther at first refuses because you have to be called to see the King. If you just show up, you will be killed. Mordecai begs again and this time Esther agrees to do it even if it means she will die. She is willing to give up her own life to save her people. She asked Mordecai and the rest of the Jews to fast for 3 days beforehand. They all fast for the 3 days.

This is where the story gets fun. She goes to the King and requests a banquet with the King & Haman. The King is delighted to see her and basically tells her he will do anything she asks. She requests the banquet to which he agrees and has someone get Haman. During the banquet, the King asks her what she really wants. She tells him that she wants another banquet tomorrow with him and Haman and she will explain everything to him.  Haman leaves the banquet feeling on top of the world and who does he run into but Mordecai. Again, Mordecai refuses to bow to him and Haman is seeing stars right now he is so mad. Haman gets home and boasts to his wife and friends about how important he is that Queen Esther only invited him and basically how great he is. He is still fuming about Mordecai that his friends talk him into putting up a 75ft pole to stake Mordecai on the next day after asking the King for approval.

That night the King can’t sleep so he has someone read to him the history of his reign. Just after the part about Mordecai saving him from the assassination attempt, Haman shows up with all intention to ask the King to kill Mordecai. Before Haman can speak, the King asks Haman how he should honor someone. Haman probably thinking the King was talking about him, tells him to put that person in the King’s robe and ride on the King’s horse telling everyone how great that person is. The King agrees and tells Haman to do that for Mordecai. Alright guys….come on….Mic drop right here. Can you just imagine Haman’s mouth drop open. Not only does Haman not get to kill Mordecai, he has to publicly yell around the entire city how great the man is!!

After basically humiliating himself, he went to the 2nd banquet that Queen Esther has requested. The King again asks Esther what her request is. This time she requests that her life and the life of her people be spared. It’s the tone she puts this request in that just has me in awe. She is humble, not manipulating. She speaks honestly to him that if it was them being sold into slavery she would remain silent, but this is not a trivial matter. The King has no idea that she is a Jew and asks who would do that to her. She points right at Haman. The King goes into a rage and leaves the room. Haman goes to Queen Esther basically pleading for his life because he knows the King will kill him. Haman falls on the couch and lands on the Queen just as the King was walking back in the room! Not only is is trying to kill the Queen, but also appears to be assaulting her. One of the King’s assistants spoke up and told the King that Haman has a 75 ft pole in his yard. The King used the pole that Haman wanted to kill Mordecai to kill Haman.

Mordecai then takes over for Haman. The King allows him to reverse the decree, but Mordecai adds into it that the Jews can kill their enemies on that same fateful day. In response to the new decree, many people became Jewish in fear. On March 7th, the Jews killed their enemies and the King even allowed a 2nd day on March 8th for them to finish their work. On March 9th, they rested which became the Festival of Purim.

There you have it. We will never know what God’s plan for us is. Most of the time, we have no idea why God is putting this in our life or making us go through something. There is a purpose for everything. God’s purpose is all knowing. We are intertwined together to make God’s plan come together.

#94 – Taking Criticism

Learning to take criticism (especially from someone you don’t like) is HARD because more than likely there is truth in it. It’s up to us whether we take that truth and grow OR take it personally and continue the same old thing. We all have blind spots in our life and the only way to figure out what they are is to ask people.

Two questions I always use in my 1-1’s at work: What did I catch you doing right? What can you improve? Or vice versa I ask them for me. Anything I did this week that you really liked? How can I support you better?

Yes, work is easier to not take it personally. Personal relationships can be trickier. Understand that it is coming from a place of love with our close relationships. It’s hard to tell someone the truth, but that is the only way you both can grow.

Easy Challenge: Repeat this phrase in your head when faced with criticism. “Take it seriously, but not personally.” Meaning don’t get offended, but find the truth in it and work on it.

Medium challenge: When someone criticizes you think about these 3 things: What actually happened (not what you think you heard), what seems “wrong” with it, and what might be right? Give that 3rd question some consideration.

Hard challenge: Taking that 3rd question of “what might be right?” and using that to grow as a better version of yourself.

#93 – Own Your Talent

These next 10 challenges will have you finishing out the year strong and starting the new year even stronger. The first challenge this week is about owning what you are good at. We are all good at something. People probably give you compliments about it. How do you take those compliments? Do you ramble about how you are not that good or do you smile and say thank you. Think about when you give someone a compliment. How do you want them to react?

Easy Challenge: Think of at least one thing you are good at.

Medium Challenge: When someone gives you a compliment about what you are good at. Smile and say thank you.

Hard Challenge: Now we get into the hard part. You identified something you are good at. Now in conversations this week tell someone. Especially at work if there is something that you are good at or enjoy. Those comments stick with people. When something comes up you would be the first person they think of to fill that role. That’s where opportunities are made.

#92 – Live Within Your Means

Last financial challenge for you this week. This is about living your life without trying to keep up with other people. Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel.

Living within your means – it’s about not using the credit card and not living paycheck to paycheck. We have this mindset that when I make more money then I will… It doesn’t work like that. It’s a lifestyle change you have to be intentional about.

Think about how much you made 10 years ago. You probably make more now. Do you have anymore money saved up or are you just going out to eat more and buying the nicer stuff? I know inflation, but be honest with yourself.

Easy Challenge: Imagine if you had less money coming in than you did right now. How would you live differently?

Medium Challenge: Incorporate at least one idea from the easy challenge into your lifestyle. Put that money aside.

Hard Challenge: For this month, budget from starting point of zero. Write each line with the attitude of “I get to have..” I get to pay my mortgage so I have a warm roof over my head. This flips the script of budgeting being negative to something positive with gratitude.