Motion is Lotion
Some people call me crazy for moving my body everyday with either a Bodi workout and/or walking workout. As we get older, our body craves that movement. I can tell when I didn’t do my workout in the morning by feeling tired and just plain stiff. On those days it’s like counting down the hours until work is over so I can hit play.
I found this article that I thought explained it really well:
“Resting pain away is the rust that keeps the body from fully healing and moving freely. Motion is the lotion that strengthens the body for increases in load and stress. Avoiding areas of soreness or discomfort can lead to disuse and weakness, which only perpetuates the root cause of pain.”
When you first start working out, you WILL be sore. That’s just the simple truth. It’s having the gumption to do it again. You will be surprised at how much better you feel after you work out when you are sore. It’s like your body says “Thank You!”
Another great idea from the website is the ABC’s of pain management and continued wellness. This is especially why I love the Bodi workouts. I pick a program and just hit play. The program already includes a calendar of what I need to do that day so I’m not overworking any muscles and has recovery workouts to make sure I am getting the balance and stretching needed.

** I am not a Bodi coach anymore, but absolutely completely recommend it if you are looking for at home workouts.