September 2024

Sticky Teams – Empower & Equip

You made it to the last part of the Sticky Teams series! We are ending with my FAVORITE part of leadership. Equipping people with the skills and knowledge to do the job & letting go to empower them to take on the responsibility. This is my favorite thing to do as leader because you get to actually see the progress they make. I love it when you see that light bulb moment when something clicks for them or when they shine in a meeting. It’s like a proud mom moment for me.

The most important part is training is explaining the why behind how you do things. This is especially critical in the beginning of training. You are flooding the person with a fire hose of information. They will remember the why, but may not remember every step of what to do. Try to “drip” the information to them instead of “spraying” them with the fire hose.

People do not have to think or do the work exactly like you do. This is again where the why comes in. If they can accomplish the output you that is needed, it doesn’t matter how they got it. Take time to learn from them. Empower them to try something new. This is how we get better individually, but also as a company.

I know you have heard the saying ‘actions speak louder than words.’ This is key to being a great leader vs manager. Do your actions as the leader show them what is important? Do you do what you say you will? How do you make your people feel? Are you a role model for them?

These questions are critical to being a great leader. And you don’t have to have people report to you to be a leader. Lead upwards, sideways, and downward. Be the example. Strive to work hard and play hard. Have fun with everything you do. It will make the day go by smoother and quicker.

I hope that you have at least 1-2 takeaways from this 5 part series. If you want to dig in more, please watch the RightNow media series, buy the book, or get it from the library. Note: I am afflicted with it….just really enjoyed it!

Sticky Teams – Young Eagles

I gotta admit the older I get, the new hires just keep looking younger and younger. I used the be one saying “that was the year I was born” when people say when they started working or graduated. The tables have finally turned & I get to see a new perspective. (Literally the other day it was my coworkers birthday. She was born the same year I graduated high school!!). I am not that old…I swear…lol

Alright, back to the point here. The young hires that have potential are what we would call “Young Eagles.” Why eagle? Because they have potential to soar in your company. That potential is what will be the future of the company if you can provide the right environment for them.

How can you provide the right environment that retains these young eagles:

  • Don’t clip their wings: If you don’t give them a place they can learn and grow, they will go somewhere else to fly. Give them a platform to be able to highlight their skills and abilities. Allow them to show what they can bring to the company.
  • Be strategic: Understand where their passions are. Allow them opportunities to explore what interests them. Assign a mentor. Give them a path that they can follow to grow and move within the company. Be strategic with letting them know they have a future with the company.
  • Empower them: Let them try and fail without getting in trouble. Teach them the “why” behind the “what.” They will learn so much more this way. Plus they will probably find better ways to do the what if they understand why the information is needed.

Here is a tough question to ask yourself as a leader:

When it comes to decision meetings or important meetings. Are you “keeping them in the loop” or are you allowing them “a seat at the table?” Now they can’t be in all the management meetings, but when it comes to something they are directly involved in or have knowledge that would help. Invite them for at least the beginning part to highlight their knowledge. This will give them a sense of how much you appreciate them. If you are always just keeping them in the loop, they may feel like they are not good enough or even that you are taking credit for their idea or work.

Bring these young eagles along with you as you learn. Teach them and mentor them. You will be surprised by how quickly they can learn and grow. Teach them to soar to make not only your job as the leader easier, but make your company better.

Sticky Teams – Leadership Must Haves

6 things teams should know & focus on:

1 Ignore your weakness

We always hear that we need to improve our weaknesses. I am giving you the opposite advice. Work on your strengths to become an expert at what you are good at and usually enjoy. With one exception – if your weakness is a “fatal flaw” then you should work on it. Fatal flaw means that it would hurt your team if you didn’t fix it.

2. Surveys are a waste of time if done anonymously

I was actually a big pusher of surveys until I started getting some “crappy” turnout or unhelpful responses. Surveys are good if the person puts their name down on it. When it is anonymous, people usually just complain and you don’t know where the problem is.

Weigh the opinions of who gave the feedback. Look more at who said what to address the right problem

3. We don’t need buy in

I love this one especially since I am continuously implementing new processes or changes. We don’t need their buy in, but we do need permission. This is a huge difference with those “late adopters.” If you give them the full game plan then they can figure out how to sabotage it.

4. Let the squeaky wheel squeak

We all have that one person who is constantly complaining about or finding something wrong. This person will always have something to complain about so don’t put as much stock into their complaints. Put stock in the people that hardly ever complain. Then you know you have a problem.

5. Let dying things die

Sometimes we get invested in something and don’t want to let it go. We think if we throw more resources or money at it, that it will get better. Keep in mind the big picture as a leader. If it is sinking, don’t let it sink the entire ship. It’s okay to let go. Learn something from what happened & pivot to something that is thriving. It’s never a failure if you learn and use those learnings for the future.

6. Plan in Pencil

Planning is IMPORTANT. Planning in pencil is even more important. You want to plan out what needs to happen, but also be flexible enough to pivot when needed. Avoid getting stuck and spinning your wheels if you are stuck.

Following these 4 principles will help you become the leader you were meant to be:

  • Give your time to those you lead. Be available to them and have an open door policy where they can come to you.
  • Make sure they have the training they need to do the job. Have the experience & knowledge to help them along the way. Don’t hoard the knowledge. Share the knowledge. Empowering them means you are leading and not managing.
  • Be present with them. Actually see what is going on than just hearing about it. There are always more than one side to the story.
  • Show passion for your work and genuinely care about them. Don’t make it all about work. Know what they like to do & what’s going on in their life.

Encourage One Another

In the world today we are in constant competition and envy of each other whether it is conscious or sub-conscious. We are so connected with social media and our phones we see what others are doing or what they just bought that we would never have known 20 years ago. We get our feelings hurt when you see a couple of your friends get together & they didn’t invite you. We see someone just got a new (fill in the blank) and now you think you need to have one too. Amazon is only a couple clicks so why not?

I want to challenge my readers this week that instead of posting your highlight reel of your life, take the time to encourage someone instead. Notice something that they did and give them acknowledgement. If they are struggling with something, reach out & send an encouraging message. It doesn’t matter how strong or confident you think that person is. EVERYONE needs encouragement in their life. They need to know that someone cares.

When we build each other up, we make each other stronger. We build better, more authentic relationships. We start to trust each other and know that there is someone out there that has our backs. Who is that person for you? Who can you be that person for?

It starts with one text or phone call. It starts with a funny meme to make them laugh. It starts with allowing yourself to know that this world is temporary and that we need to be Jesus in this world.

Make someone’s day today by just showing up for them in whatever way you feel comfortable. Don’t do it because “you have to.” Do it because you want to. That person CAN tell the difference. Be your authentic self. There is only one of you out there. So be YOU!!

Need some ideas: check out this site for 100 ideas –