4 Steps to be a Goal Getter

Step 1:  Visualize

Take 10 minutes and allow yourself to dream no matter how big or scary.  Anything that pops in your head write it down.

What is something you always wanted to do?

What is something that you are interested in or passionate about that you’ve never dared pursue?

What would you do if nothing stood in your way?

What excites or motivates you to get out of bed?

What did you dream about doing before life got in the way?

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

What does your dream life look life?

Step 2:  Focus

Rank each of your items from 1 – 10.  Narrow down your to options to your big 3.  (Must be at least 8’s)

Why does this excite me?   Why is it important to me?

Do I feel a flutter in my belly or tightening in my chest when I think of this?

Step 3: Commit

Write it down & say it out loud . This makes it real!

What will it take for you to commit to these things?  Reward, punishment, tracker, etc…

Post your goals where you see them daily.

What will make it real for you?

Step 4:  Execute

Rearrange your schedule and put your big goals first every single day.

Start doing whatever it takes to make your big goals a reality.

Get up earlier.

Take a class, get a certification.

Block out time for what you want to get one step closer to the finish line.