You are not doing anyone any favors by crowning yourself a “yes” martyr.
We use our busyness as a badge of honor. It’s something we talk (or complain) about. It is also something we have complete control of if you are honest with yourself. You will have “busy seasons” in life, but they shouldn’t be more than a few months. It’s not a season if there is no end.
My favorite line I used to tell myself, ”Once this happens then things will settle down.” I will tell you now that does NOT work. You have to be intentional about setting limits and doing some form of self care.
On to the challenges this week:
Easy: Write down each moment this week that you said yes or previously committed yes and now feel regretful. Be specific and honest about why you said yes. For example- Did I want them to view me as fun going out for drinks or did I truly want to see them and reconnect. No one is judging you. No one is going to see your answers. This is for you to know what you should say yes to.
Medium: Don’t check your phone for a day. Do you remember when we didn’t have these leashes (I mean phones) on us constantly. We could hang out with friends all day without that constant nagging beep or vibration of someone wanting our attention. We could focus on what we intended for that day without distraction.
Hard: Give yourself me time. I know mom guilt is real! But this is where your spouse, partner, friends come in. Or put the kiddos in bed early one night to give yourself some me time. Take a long bubble bath, go for a hike, get a massage, read a book – anything that makes you feel relaxed and happy.
You can’t pour out to others if you are on empty. Fill yourself up so you can be that wife, mom, daughter, friend, coworker you want to be!!