This week’s challenge is about your attitude. Here’s the best part – you GET to CHOOSE your attitude. You get to choose how you show up everyday. Will you let others around you run your life and emotions OR will you take charge of your life. You only get one chance at this life. How do you want to live it?
Great quote by Francesca Reigler, “Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
Now you maybe thinking..well Stacy you have no idea all the craziness in my life. How can I be happy when I have all this going on? The answer is simple and it may be hard to hear especially if you have to change some parts of your life. The answer: Live your life like Jesus. Be humble, kind, and light up the world with joy and love.
Easy Challenge: Think of 3 people you admire and why? Describe their demeanor and what about them you admire.
Medium Challenge: Identify situations in your life that are challenging your attitude. How can you choose to react? Remember you don’t get to choose the situation, but you do get to choose how you react to it.
Hard Challenge: When faced with a hard situation speak up. Don’t be a jerk, but also don’t be a doormat. It feels easier to stay silent, but in reality it tears us up inside.