#54 – Brain Dump

This week is an absolute MUST for me. Do you feel overwhelmed with everything and like you are going in a thousand different directions? Or are you in the procrastinator club? Do you have these small tasks that would take 5 minutes but you put off and take priceless mental energy thinking that you should do it?

Here are your 3 levels of challenge:
Easy: Do the small task that you have been putting off right now. When you see something that needs done that would take less than 5 minutes, do it instead of take more time thinking about than doing it.

Medium: Don’t break the chain. It gets A LOT easier when you don’t start and stop everyday. Each day do the small things to allow your mental energy to focus on the big things. TIP: track it with a calendar. This has been my key to success for not giving up. Give yourself a check mark or even a sticker. Find something that works for you. (See comment section to see my trackers I use.)

Hard: This is my go to each week & month and IT WORKS! You will feel like you are in control of your time instead of time controlling you.
Step 1: Brain Dump. Get out a piece of paper and write down all the tasks that are swirling around your head. Just the act of getting them down on paper takes a little load off you. Then prioritize the list giving things a A,B,C ranking. A- must be done this week. B- needs to be done this month, and C- nice to have/wish list/not urgent.
Step 2: Use a hourly planner or just write the days and time periods that make sense for you. Start with your must haves (or big rocks). These are your appointments, meetings, kids events. See all the gaps left? Now fill in the gaps with your A items(medium rocks). If you don’t have enough time for all your A’s, look at your list again and prioritize it. More than likely you will still have time or gaps left. Fill those in with the B’s (small rocks) and even maybe a C (sand).
(Think of your life like a jar: first you fill it with big rocks, then medium, then small. Finally fill it with sand to fill in all those small cracks.)
Step 3: Treat this plan like a commitment to yourself. Make sure to plan downtime so you don’t stress out. Give yourself a ton a grace. I guarantee that you will not follow it 100%, but I can also guarantee that you will achieve more than if you didn’t. This focuses your mind on what’s important and shows you that you can do get it done!

Would love to hear from you if you tried this & your success or even what you learned through failure. Remember failing forward isn’t failing. Learning from failure = success

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