How many times this month have you done something you really didn’t want to do, but felt like you had to or you should do? I’m not talking about doing a workout or showing up to work on time. This is where you do something that goes against your personality because you want to fit in or feel like you should because the world says so.
We put ourselves in these situations because otherwise we feel guilty or even sometimes ashamed that we don’t fit into the mold that someone wants us to be. We tell ourselves it’s good to get out of our comfort zone which is good for you every once in awhile BUT not all the time.
For me, I used to feel ashamed that I didn’t have a ton of friends like other ladies. They would talk about all the things they did that weekend and honestly felt a little jealous. But if I’m truly honest with myself I would absolutely HATE having to do that every weekend. I absolutely love hanging out at my house with Joe and the kids just chilling. I LOVE sitting on the recliner with a blanket and good book. I like to call myself an introverted extrovert. I’ll go out and do the things and have fun doing them, but then just feel completely wiped out.
Let’s get to the challenges:
Easy: Make a list of what you don’t like without trying to convince yourself to like them and without thinking about other people judging you for your list.
Medium: Stop doing the thing you secretly hate. Go through your upcoming calendar. What’s 1 thing that you are really doing to try to fit a mold someone else has for you? Then respectively decline the invitation.
Hard: Accept who you and who you are not without feeling ashamed about it. What someone else loves to do doesn’t mean you have to too!
Living who we are by our values & priorities is where we live a happy life true to ourselves.