#63 – Practice Yoga

These next 10 challenges will be about your health & wellness.

This first one I struggle with because my mind wanders where I start thinking of stuff I need to do, feeling bored, or thinking this is not burning calories.

Yoga is about connecting your mind and body. It’s taking the time to stretch the muscles that work hard for you everyday. Give yourself that time to just relax and be still. You don’t need to start out crazy with hour long sessions. Start out with just 5 minutes of breathing.
Which gets us to our challenges.

Easy: Set a timer for 5 minutes. Stand or sit in a quiet spot. Relax your body and inhale for 4 counts drawing your belly in. Exhale for 4 counts expanding your belly. Breathe like this until your timer goes off. Clear your head and just concentrate on the counting & breathing.

Medium: Try 5 beginner yoga poses and hold them for 30 seconds to 1 minute each. Here is a website with 30 beginner poses to choose from: https://www.verywellfit.com/essential-yoga-poses-for…

Hard: Do 4 yoga classes this month. Target 1 each week. There are a ton of utube videos free to try or check out your local gym.

Remember progress over perfection. You will fall but remember to pick yourself back up and try it again.

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