Just because you could do it all doesn’t mean you should. That hit me hard. We want to be known as having it all together. We are strong and independent and we got this. Yes we got it, but at what cost? The cost of being stressed out, lack of sleep, burn out, grouchy, etc….
This week I challenge you to not only ask for help, but also accept the help someone offers you. I know this is a shocker..people can’t read your mind. They see you struggling and they want to help. You know that feeling when someone asks you for help and you get that feeling of joy and connection. Don’t deprive them of that feeling. Give them a specific task that would really help you out.
Here’s your challenge levels:
Easy: Ask for help on one thing this week. Maybe it’s asking your spouse to make dinner or do the dishes. Kids clean up their rooms or mow the grass. A coworker to help you problem solve something you are struggling with.
Medium: Accept an offer of help. When someone asks, how can I help? Give them a task they can help with.
Hard: We all have a list of things to do this week whether it is written down or in your head. At the beginning of the week think about what the people around you could help you with to make your week easier. Then go through the list with your spouse and kids to divide and conquer. Let them pick it. They will feel a sense of ownership and connection to helping in the family.