Would you consider yourself a patient person? Waiting is HARD especially if it is something you want. This week is about challenging ourselves on what we want versus what we need when it comes to our purchases.
It is so simple now to scroll on your phone and end up ordering things you really don’t need. We have the excuse it’s free shipping or it’s on sale. When you are at a store and see something that isn’t on the list but impulse has you buying it. Who’s guilty of this?
Something I started with online shopping is putting it in the cart, but I have to wait at least 2 days before purchasing if it is a want vs need. For groceries, I do 90% of the time with delivery so I don’t have impulse to grab stuff not on the list. It’s finding something that works for you.
This week I challenge you to be intentional with thinking about if this a want or a need before each purchase.
Easy Challenge:
Before each purchase ask yourself if this is a want or need.
Medium Challenge:
Write down for 1 week the purchases you make into want and need. Total it up at the end of the week. You will be shocked at the numbers. Make sure to follow your normal pattern to be real with yourself.
Want more – go through your account for the past month. Be prepared to be shocked.
Hard Challenge:
Practice delayed gratification. If it is a want, make yourself wait. It will suck at first, but then when you actually do purchase it you will actually appreciate it more. It’s weird but works.