#92 – Live Within Your Means

Last financial challenge for you this week. This is about living your life without trying to keep up with other people. Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel.

Living within your means – it’s about not using the credit card and not living paycheck to paycheck. We have this mindset that when I make more money then I will… It doesn’t work like that. It’s a lifestyle change you have to be intentional about.

Think about how much you made 10 years ago. You probably make more now. Do you have anymore money saved up or are you just going out to eat more and buying the nicer stuff? I know inflation, but be honest with yourself.

Easy Challenge: Imagine if you had less money coming in than you did right now. How would you live differently?

Medium Challenge: Incorporate at least one idea from the easy challenge into your lifestyle. Put that money aside.

Hard Challenge: For this month, budget from starting point of zero. Write each line with the attitude of “I get to have..” I get to pay my mortgage so I have a warm roof over my head. This flips the script of budgeting being negative to something positive with gratitude.

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