#93 – Own Your Talent

These next 10 challenges will have you finishing out the year strong and starting the new year even stronger. The first challenge this week is about owning what you are good at. We are all good at something. People probably give you compliments about it. How do you take those compliments? Do you ramble about how you are not that good or do you smile and say thank you. Think about when you give someone a compliment. How do you want them to react?

Easy Challenge: Think of at least one thing you are good at.

Medium Challenge: When someone gives you a compliment about what you are good at. Smile and say thank you.

Hard Challenge: Now we get into the hard part. You identified something you are good at. Now in conversations this week tell someone. Especially at work if there is something that you are good at or enjoy. Those comments stick with people. When something comes up you would be the first person they think of to fill that role. That’s where opportunities are made.

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