#94 – Taking Criticism

Learning to take criticism (especially from someone you don’t like) is HARD because more than likely there is truth in it. It’s up to us whether we take that truth and grow OR take it personally and continue the same old thing. We all have blind spots in our life and the only way to figure out what they are is to ask people.

Two questions I always use in my 1-1’s at work: What did I catch you doing right? What can you improve? Or vice versa I ask them for me. Anything I did this week that you really liked? How can I support you better?

Yes, work is easier to not take it personally. Personal relationships can be trickier. Understand that it is coming from a place of love with our close relationships. It’s hard to tell someone the truth, but that is the only way you both can grow.

Easy Challenge: Repeat this phrase in your head when faced with criticism. “Take it seriously, but not personally.” Meaning don’t get offended, but find the truth in it and work on it.

Medium challenge: When someone criticizes you think about these 3 things: What actually happened (not what you think you heard), what seems “wrong” with it, and what might be right? Give that 3rd question some consideration.

Hard challenge: Taking that 3rd question of “what might be right?” and using that to grow as a better version of yourself.

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