This challenge is for work and life. Asking for what you want is hard as it usually entails some difficult uncomfortable conversation. I’m going right into the challenges this week so it will be easier to understand.
Easy: Stop saying “What can I help you with? or How can I help?” In life, you see others struggling and want to help. If you know they are struggling with money, get them a gift card or bring them a meal. If they are lonely, plan a get together them. Getting to know the person will help you know how to ask for more. If you want more responsibility at work, know the things going on around. Be specific on something you want to help with and how you can support.
Medium: Identify what you want more out of life. Use these categories: Faith, Family, Friends, Finances, Personal Growth, Health, Career. Think of where you are now and where you want to be in 12 months. Break it down into quarter (3 month) goals or even into monthly goals to achieve it.
Hard: Follow through with your plan you just made. Don’t let it be just good intentions. Create a way to track your progress. Tell a friend your plan and have them hold you accountable. It’s one thing to put on paper. When you tell someone it makes it real.