How Do You Live Your Life?

This week’s challenge is about how we are living our day to day lives. So many of us are focused on crossing off all the items on our to do list that we forget sometimes why we are even doing it.

I know I am guilty of this. I make my plan for the day and just get it done. I sometimes get annoyed that I have to small talk with a co-worker or even when the kids get home and I’m still getting stuff crossed off the list and that is when they want to talk. It’s those times that you have to take a step back and reflect on why we put so much importance on getting it done. Now I am not saying that you shouldn’t be productive and kick butt, but it’s finding the balance.

That’s where this challenge comes in. I want you to think about how you want to be or how you want to show up in life. When people think of you what do they think? Are you too busy for them? Are you grumpy and they want to avoid you? Do you bring energy into a room or suck the energy out of it? Do you show genuine interest in the person or just doing enough small talk to cross it off the list? Do people smile when they see you and do you smile back?

Life isn’t about how much stuff you get done. No one is going to remember what you did. People will remember how you made them feel. They will remember that you were intentional with your time with them. They will remember the memories you made with them.