If you are a goal getter, you probably have some lofty goals that take time to achieve. The problem that we sometimes run into is that we start out full steam ahead, but over time our motivation starts to dwindle a little bit. That’s where this week’s challenge comes in!
The challenge is to reflect upon the progress you have made so far and acknowledge what you have done so far each week. Yes…you read that right. EACH WEEK!! If a goal is important to you, you should be making it a priority in your life. That’s where setting too many goals becomes an issue. You lose focus and get overwhelmed. Narrowing your focus keeps you moving forward and making progress.
At the beginning of the week, plan out what you are going to do this week to progress your goal. What will you do? What day / time will you do it? The more specific in your planning the better. Make it like an appointment you have to keep. Yes, life will get in the way some weeks so adjust and still do it. At the end of the week, celebrate your success that you did what you said you would do.

Good intentions are just that….intentions. You must act on those intentions to move that goal forward.
Now to be a little vulnerable here…. At the beginning of the year I set some pretty lofty work goals and personal goals. The problem is that I focused mostly on my work goals and let my personal goals become “good intentions.” Yes I made small progress with them, but not enough to be on track.
Now I could have just reduce down the goal or even quit, but that’s not me. What I did was reflect on why? What do I need to do to meet the goal now within the next 6 months? If you know me, I am a tracking fiend! Reflecting back, I didn’t have a tracker or really a written down plan. That’s where I failed. What do you do when you fail… YOU FAIL FORWARD!! I spent the time to make trackers to make sure I stayed on track. I committed to expedited timeline to still meet my goals and what is needed to do that.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
What do you want to achieve by the end of the year?
Why does it need to be by the end of the year?
What do you need to commit to doing to make it happen? Weekly / Monthly
Now make your specific plan for this week and this month.