The final big question, “What do you want?”
Hopefully you took the time to answer “Who are You?” & “Where Are You.” If not, go back to the last 2 blog posts and do those exercises.
You figured out what your core values are and did some self reflection to start and continue living out those values. The big dream that you have aligns with your values. What could wrong? (Insert laugh here)
Living out our dreams is not easy. You will be discouraged when it doesn’t go exactly as you hoped or someone made you feel like your dream was silly or didn’t matter. That’s why you have to understand “your why.” Why do you want to achieve that dream? Why does it matter so much to you? If it doesn’t matter, guess what? You probably should figure out something else.

Life is too short to keep going with dreams that don’t make sense anymore. Dreams are hard! It’s takes hard work, courage, discipline, and a deep down “why” that pushing you forward. Dreams can be different based on the season of your life. What mattered to you 10 years ago may not matter as much today. Assessing your goals is another good way to know that you are doing what God has in mind for you.
“Don’t pretend to be noble. Be real and it will be the most noble thing you’ll do all year. Trust me, heaven will be doing cartwheels if you will finally get real about what you really want.”
“Some of your ambitions are going to take time or a little creativity to figure out. Don’t quit on them. Wake up to new ways to get there, then do what it takes so you’re ready when your time comes.”
“If you’re in it for the long haul and want to live a life steeped in purpose, a better long-term approach is to figure out who you want to be and let that inform what you do. Don’t settle for what you’re simply able to do; figure out what you were made to do, then do lots of that.”
“Remember the passage in the Bible where the blind man called out to Jesus so he could be healed? Jesus’ friends tried to help out by telling the man to stop yelling, but the blind man just yelled even louder. Maybe you should do the same if people have been trying to get you to quiet down about your ambitions. Quit whispering them to yourself and, instead, start shouting them into the world. Jesus asked the blind guy the same question He asks all of us every day. “What do you want me to do for you?” The answer must have seemed pretty obvious to the blind guy. But just like God in the garden with Adam and Eve, I don’t think Jesus needed to hear the answer. He wanted to make sure the blind guy was clear on his ambitions and knew what he wanted more than anything else. He wants the same thing from you too.”