Sticky Teams – Playing the Same Game

Teams can easily fall apart when everyone is focused on their own goals without having a group mission. Everyone needs to know the “rules” of the game.

What game is your team playing?

It is dependent on how many people & the type of team you have.


When you are on the “track” team you practice with your teammates, but it is all about your own PR. This is usually for start up companies or side hustles.


You go out on the golf course with friends. You share a golf cart, but your results are completely up to you. Others see how you play so there is some peer pressure.


You have a small team that you know all the positions. You work together to make great plays to win the game. You are in sync with each other and can do other positions when needed. Most teams get stuck and comfortable at this point.


This is when you have a large team that takes 2 buses to games with the offense & defense. The offense doesn’t know or even care what the defense plays are and that’s okay. This gets into empowering your team. Thinking about who knows what and who needs to know.

Are you Playing the Same Game?

You will see these signs if your team members are playing different games.

  • You will see frustration at the lower level management
  • Your meetings keep taking longer and longer to finish. People are not aligned on the objective or not being empowered.
  • Having miscommunication or lack of communication.