
The Perfect Body….

The perfect body we strive so hard for will not bring happiness. You may be happy for a short time if you hit your goal weight or measurements, but what happens when the scale tips just a little bit?
What you have going on on the outside says absolutely NOTHING about what you have going on on the inside.
You have to work on the inside first. You have to face those demons you are avoiding. Feed your soul instead of tearing it down.
What are you afraid might happen if you don’t have the perfect body? The people around you that truly love you don’t care what you look like.
Every bit of you is perfect, unique, and amazing! So many people love and adore you for who you are. Start believing them

Give Yourself a Rest Day

We are starting a new month which means it’s a perfect time to add something new while you are planning your month. Your challenge: Add in at least 1 rest day each week into your busy life.

What’s a rest day? It’s taking time off to let your body and mind recover. It’s taking time to reflect on the week and spend time with your family. It’s making memories that will keep you going and looking forward to the next rest day. It’s grabbing that book you been wanting to read. It’s doing the self care you have been putting off.

What it’s not? It’s not spending the day on the couch watching Netflix. It’s not scrolling through social media all day. It’s not running around trying to get all the things done.

Pick a day or even start with half a day and see how much more refreshed you feel.

Your Beliefs Matter

Two Challenge Week!!
In the world today everyone has an opinion about everything whether it’s politicical, religious, how to fold towels, or something in between. What you believe matters! What other people believe matters to THEM.
I challenge you this week to really reflect on what matters to you. If you believe in it, it’s important to you. It’s in your heart. It’s a fire that can’t be put out.
Now I want to give you a 2nd challenge, this one may be hard for some people. If you don’t agree with someone, do yourself and that person a favor and respect their opinion. Respect that they may feel differently than you and that’s okay. Respect goes both ways. Love each other. You can still be friends even if you don’t agree on something.

It’s Okay to have C+ Days

Calling all high standards/ perfectionist out there.…. This week’s challenge is for you.
Give yourself permission to have a C+ day. Give yourself a break from striving so hard until you are burned out. Giving yourself a break and grace so you not only relax, but also have some fun!
I challenge you to write down your to do list for the week. Now really think about what can you get done and still have time for some fun? What you call a C+ day could actually be a realistic A day.

Do Not Let Comparisons Destroy You

There is no such thing as perfect because we are all human. Everyone you know is going through something, some are just better at hiding it. If everyone threw all their problems in a pile with everyone else to see, we’d take our own back.
This weeks challenge:
When your mind starts to compare yourself to someone else, catch yourself doing it and flip the script to empowering thoughts instead of negative self talk.

Eliminate the If Only

In order to take more control of your life, get rid of the phrase “if only….then…”. Especially when that “if only” has another person involved. If only my spouse would …, then we would be happier. If only my boss would…, then I would enjoy my job more. Instead of putting your happiness in someone else’s hands, take control of your own happiness. You control your reactions and your life. Don’t let others take control.
Challenge for the week: Reflect on your current situations. Do you have any “if only” situations? How can you turn them around where you are in control and taking responsibility for your life?

Perfection Does Not Exist

We all know this is true, but we still strive to be perfect. The perfect parent, spouse, co-worker, friend – which eventually we are disappointed with ourselves that we didn’t meet our expectations. More than that we may hold others to those high expectations and they disappoint us.

This week I challenge you to be perfectly imperfect. Embrace the mistakes and learn from then. Be aware of the expectations you are putting on yourself and others. Are those expectations serving you or destroying you?

Live each day with grace and love for others and yourself!

You are Worthy

Don’t let lingering negative feelings about what happened to you in the past limit who you can be in the future.
If this sounds like you:
👉 If (insert name) wouldn’t have done (action) to me, I could ….
👉 I would do (action), but I can’t because …
You are playing the victim and only YOU can empower yourself to get out of that loop.
Yes, bad things happen to good people. How are you going to react to the bad things? You can control your actions and live the life you were meant to have.

Change Your Perspective

What you think about is what you see.
Imagine you are in the Sistine Chapel. There is beauty surrounding you. You look down and see a bubble gum wrapper. Most people wouldn’t think anything about it. You complain about it and that’s all you see and that’s what you remember when you think of the Chapel. You basically missed out on the whole experience of awe & wonder because you chose to focus on something else.
Now apply this story to your life. What are you focusing on now? Is it making you better, happy, fulfilled? If not, I challenge you to change your perspective. Look around you and see the beauty that you may be missing out on.