Some people call me crazy for moving my body everyday with either a Bodi workout and/or walking workout. As we get older, our body craves that movement. I can tell when I didn’t do my workout in the morning by feeling tired and just plain stiff. On those days it’s like counting down the hours until work is over so I can hit play.
I found this article that I thought explained it really well:
“Resting pain away is the rust that keeps the body from fully healing and moving freely. Motion is the lotion that strengthens the body for increases in load and stress. Avoiding areas of soreness or discomfort can lead to disuse and weakness, which only perpetuates the root cause of pain.”
When you first start working out, you WILL be sore. That’s just the simple truth. It’s having the gumption to do it again. You will be surprised at how much better you feel after you work out when you are sore. It’s like your body says “Thank You!”
Another great idea from the website is the ABC’s of pain management and continued wellness. This is especially why I love the Bodi workouts. I pick a program and just hit play. The program already includes a calendar of what I need to do that day so I’m not overworking any muscles and has recovery workouts to make sure I am getting the balance and stretching needed.
** I am not a Bodi coach anymore, but absolutely completely recommend it if you are looking for at home workouts.
This week’s challenge is about how we are living our day to day lives. So many of us are focused on crossing off all the items on our to do list that we forget sometimes why we are even doing it.
I know I am guilty of this. I make my plan for the day and just get it done. I sometimes get annoyed that I have to small talk with a co-worker or even when the kids get home and I’m still getting stuff crossed off the list and that is when they want to talk. It’s those times that you have to take a step back and reflect on why we put so much importance on getting it done. Now I am not saying that you shouldn’t be productive and kick butt, but it’s finding the balance.
That’s where this challenge comes in. I want you to think about how you want to be or how you want to show up in life. When people think of you what do they think? Are you too busy for them? Are you grumpy and they want to avoid you? Do you bring energy into a room or suck the energy out of it? Do you show genuine interest in the person or just doing enough small talk to cross it off the list? Do people smile when they see you and do you smile back?
Life isn’t about how much stuff you get done. No one is going to remember what you did. People will remember how you made them feel. They will remember that you were intentional with your time with them. They will remember the memories you made with them.
Did you know the Grand Canyon didn’t start out like the huge massive structure it is today? It started out as a brook and just kept pushing and digging until it became what it is today. That’s the challenge I have for you this week.
I want you to think about your ambitions. Dream Big! What do you want to accomplish in this life? What will outlast you?
Dreaming big can be scary! It makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach. That’s what makes it good. It also makes us want to play ding dong ditch when we hit the doorbell (aka go for it)….
We need to go for it and wait for who or what is at the door. It’s those small movements forward that get us to where we want to be.
So what is your secret ambition?
What will light a fire inside your heart?
Think of going for it like making a paper airplane. Usually the more complicated you make it, the shorter distance it will fly. Simple creases or steps get you moving faster. The best thing about a paper airplane is that you know that it is going to fail sometime and hit the ground. You will fail too. It’s what you do after that. Do you pick it up and study what went wrong and what to do differently or do you wad it up and throw it away (aka stop). See the potential in the creases.
Wowsa…it’s June already!! This year is flying by so quickly.
I want to challenge you this week to think about those goals you made New Year’s Eve. What did you want to accomplish this year? How was this year going to be different than last year? Maybe you didn’t make any goals….well now is as good as time as ever!
Reflect back on these back 5 months:
What is working for you right now?
What isn’t working for you right now?
What distractions are you letting get in your way?
What support do you need?
Who are the 5 people you surround yourself with most? Are they helping or hurting you in life?
Looking back is hard sometimes when you are absolutely brutally honest with yourself. You can fluff through those questions pretty easy, but that doesn’t get you anywhere. That gets you stuck in the same place you are now.
Take time to answer those questions now…. I’ll wait….
You didn’t think I would make this challenge that easy did you?
Now it’s time to take action. Action is where the magic happens. You can read and reflect all you want, but it won’t matter unless you DO something about it.
Dec 31, 2024 – What would need to happen to feel like this year was a success? What goals do you want to accomplish? What are the gaps between where you are now and the goal you want to meet? What actions can you take to achieve that goal?
Now the power of reflection meets action:
What do you need to stop (what’s not working) to achieve your goal?
What do you need to continue doing (what’s working) to achieve your goal?
How are you going to handle those distractions that keep getting in the way of your goal?
Who or where are you going to go for support? Accountability is key here. Tell people your goal and what you are doing. Help them hold you accountable if you start picking back up on those distractions or bad habits. You are not on an island by yourself. Surround yourself with like minded people.
Be a goal getter! It’s never too late to just go for it!
Until it’s possible. Until we do it or someone else does. What are you telling yourself that you can’t do, but have the consistent nagging in your heart to do? You feel like you are being called, but fear of the unknown, of failure, of being laughed at keeps getting in your way.
This week’s challenge comes from a chapter in Bob Goff’s book “Everybody, Always.” If you haven’t read this book I highly recommend it. It will make you laugh and have you feeling all the feels that make you want to take action.
The chapter “Land the Plane” goes into a story about how Bob and his son were flying a plane and they really wanted to land in this spot that seemed near impossible to land. Finally Bob took the challenge and landed what seemed to be impossible. He was terrified and thrilled all at the same time. Then he had his son do the same thing. His son knew it could be done so it didn’t seem so impossible to him. He put himself out of his comfort zone and did the same thing with his son. It wasn’t easy for either of them. There was probably lots of holding their breath and tight Bob just kept thinking, “ Land. The. Plane. The whole time.
We change the impossible to possible by getting out of our comfort zone.
That’s what this week’s challenge is about – Landing your own plane. Whatever that “plane” is in your life. God doesn’t always lead us to the safest route forward, but the one where we’ll grow the most. God trusts us to do the things he puts on our hearts. His biggest priority isn’t removing failure as an option, but reminding us that He loves us as we try.
God doesn’t just value the big endeavors we try, but all the attempts we do to try to do His good work.
Most of us don’t need more instruction to start, we just have to start. We will learn, fail, and grow as we go. It’s never failing if you learn from it and keep moving. Failing is when you stop because it’s too hard and you are scared. Success means pulling up those “big girl panties” and marching forward like it’s possible.
“He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”” Luke 18:27 NLT
“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”” Mark 10:27 NLT
Remember you are not alone. Remember you cannot do it alone. God is there forever and always by your side. Do what he is putting on your heart for His Glory. There is so much more satisfaction is something that is bigger than yourself.
That’s the lie I told myself when I thought about sharing God’s word with someone who isn’t a Christian. It’s a scary thing sometimes. What if they ask you a question you can’t answer? What if they say something that makes you question your own faith? Those were excuses for me not to get out of my comfort zone.
Jesus’s last words on Earth before he ascended to heaven were recorded in the Acts of the Apostles where we are to be his witnesses telling everyone about Him. Someone’s last words are usually the most important and memorable.
“He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”” Acts of the Apostles 1:7-8 NLT
It’s not about forcing your beliefs on someone. It’s about planting a seed in their heart. That seed may be quick to grow or it may take a couple seasons. Think of planting a flower bulb in the fall and having to wait through winter and part of spring for it to finally pop out of ground. It’s not about what we do, it’s about God continuously working in their heart with the seeds we planted. God makes the seed grow. We have a shared mission from Jesus that gives us purpose. We are to be God’s workers planting seeds wherever we go. It doesn’t have to big conversations or gestures. It is the small gestures of love and small chats. It’s showing God’s love with how we act. Showing what Jesus is all about instead of just talking about it.
That’s what Paul is telling the Corinthians.
“I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 NLT
Paul states it better than I ever could:
“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NLT
God takes ordinary people to do his good work. Stop thinking that you are not good enough or you don’t know enough.
You know the Good News: God sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice. The only way to heaven is through the belief and faith in Jesus and only Jesus. It’s doesn’t matter what you did in the past. It’s not about all the good deeds. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. Our God is always present and ready to listen to you. You don’t have to go through someone else to get to him now. Jesus is your guy. Jesus is our savior.
Wants you truly believe that your life changes. You have a higher purpose now. Your mission is to go out and tell others. Your mission to share this good news so others may be saved.
The challenge this week is inspired by my Uncle Jim who passed away this past week. His life of service and commitment to family is just an inspiration. The impact one person can have on so many lives can be seen by a church full of people saying goodbye. That’s the thing about this life – we really don’t know the impact we can make on someone’s life.
All it takes is one person to impact another person. Then the domino effect happens. You don’t have to be some famous person or have a huge following. You can make a difference in someone’s life today. The simple act of caring about someone even when it doesn’t benefit you or fit into your already busy day.
Think about the last time you truly felt loved? What did that person do? I bet it wasn’t some big extravagant thing. It’s the simple things that make the difference. Those small simple things add up quickly in a person’s heart.
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Romans 12:10 NLT
Take the first step today and touch someone’s life by doing something small.
Here are some examples: smile at them, give them a compliment, actually listen when they talk, thank them, send a card, give them a hug, bring them a coffee, call, text, or just show up at their door, do something that isn’t expected of you. The list can go on and on
Now here’s the second part. We have the challenge to start the effect. Now I’m adding on to be the stopper if you see something not right going on. Then you can start the positive impact with your domino. This is definitely not the easiest, but something we can do out of love.
“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.” Romans 12:9 NLT
You know when you set these good intentions of doing something, but then you just….don’t. Well gang, that’s where I have been with this Simply 75 challenge. If you have been killing it – KEEP GOING!! For those who have been half-assing it like me…it’s time to reflect on why and start again.
That’s what today’s topic is all about. Giving yourself the grace to say “it’s okay” and the discipline to figure out what wasn’t working and then try something new. That’s what life is all about. This is how we continue to grow.
Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame.
This is my second retry at this challenge. I’ve been killing it with my workouts because that’s almost a sub-conscious habit I have where it’s not even a choice in my head. I have been hit and miss on the reading and tracking food because I honestly just didn’t feel like it. And you know what…that’s okay! That’s where you have to give yourself grace, but you also have to do the hard work of reflection.
Questions to ask:
Do you have a set time that you do the activity?
Do you have a plan on what you are going to that day?
Do you have a way to track the activity?
What is making you not want to do that activity?
Why did you want to this challenge in the first place?
What are you hoping to accomplish with this challenge?
Some of those questions are easy to answer. Others may not be so easy.
This challenge WILL improve your life IF you are willing to do the work. Now get reflecting and start again!
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” Jesse Owens
Sometimes life just gets in the way and things happen out of your control. That’s what happened this week to me. I was going strong with the Simply 75 challenge until I hurt my bicep muscle Monday afternoon. After spending all evening into early morning in the ER and then trying to do all the things, life just got in the way. BUT it’s at these times where the challenge is even more important.
It’s about discipline even when things get hard.
So I am giving myself today to regroup and tomorrow I am back on like Donkey Kong. In true 75 hard fashion the days start over again so back to Day 1.
Workout Shift
My workout plan is definitely having to change with my bicep injury. I finished the Bodyweight Bootcamp program today (with modifications this week) and planned to start the Chop Wood Carry Water program, but that has weights. So I am shifting my plan (hence the SHIFT HAPPENS title) to PiYo. I’ve never done the program before, but it doesn’t have weights and I plan to modify depending on how my arm feels. I am also starting PT on Monday so that should help with the arm.
And the Rest Stay the Same
The rest of the challenge stays exactly the same. Shifting doesn’t mean throwing in the towel or making it easier because life is hard. It means shifting the things that HAVE to shift. Keeping the things that are hard, but doable with intentionality.
As a refresher – the challenge includes:
Work Out Daily
Drink at Least 64 oz of water
Track what you eat
Read 10 Pages
Why Are These Important?
These 5 things are important because they are simple to do and can improve your attitude, your body, and life in general.
Your body needs to move and needs to be fueled with good nutritious food and water.
Your growth happens with learning new things and applying those things in your life. Reading those 10 pages gives you that small boost of growth. Reflection and just being able to write down the things going through your head is the key to the journaling.
Starting out with the first habit in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is being proactive. What does this even mean?
It’s starts with the limiting belief that we are conditioned to respond in a particular way to a particular stimulus. Such as the Pavlov’s experiments with dogs. But here’s the thing…we are humans. We are God’s creation that gave us a highly intelligent mind that comes with the freedom to choose. You get to choose/decide how the situation will affect you and how you react to it.
It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us.
This self awareness that we have also comes with imagination. We get imagine our future and make steps towards that future (proactiveness). We have the independent will to act how we want to show up in life with the conscience of knowing what is right and wrong to guide that behavior.
Being proactive means taking responsibility for your life. It’s about not blaming circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for your behavior. Your behavior is a product of your own choices based on your values.
Use the concept of your “R & I”. Resourcefulness and Initiative.
Let’s talk about the language we use. How often do you catch yourself saying “I have to..” to an activity. My challenge to you is to turn that around. Instead, try saying, “I get to…”. This helps with work, but also the chores around the house. Bonus points – throw in some gratitude.
I have to wash dishes.
I get to wash the dishes because we had a homemade meal at home. I’m so thankful that we were able to sit down as a family and talk.
Exercise: For the next week, be self aware of what you say and what you think. Maybe even write down each time you say I have to. Then think of a I get to response instead.
The last concept for today is your circle of concern vs your circle of influence. The picture above shows a great illustration of how the two circles interact whether you are being reactive focused or proactive focused.
When you allow others concerns and other things out of your control to be the center of your focus, our circle of influence is super small. There is limited things we can do and probably feel overwhelmed.
If your focus is on the things that you can control, our circle of influence grows. You know those people that you just want to be around. They have this energy that just makes you happy. These are the proactive focused people.
Exercise: Think about your life and maybe even different situations that are draining your energy. Draw your circles on where you are at currently. What steps can you take to make that circle of influence bigger? What boundaries do you need to put in your life to make that happen?