
Habits & the P/PC Balance

With the Simply 75 challenge, it is a perfect time to get back to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This challenge is about creating the habits that build the kind of character you want to have.

Habits are patterns we do (consciously and subconsciously) throughout our day that express our character and make us effective or ineffective.

The habits we form are based on these three parts: knowledge, desire, and skill. Knowledge is what to do and the why to do it. Skill is the how to do it and desire is the motivation and the want to do it. In order to remove a habit or to create one, we have to utilize all three of these components to our advantage.

If you want to change a habit, here is a great place to start. Take a closer look at the following diagram and ask yourself these questions:

Knowledge – What do I need to learn? What resources do I have available to me? Why do I want this change – is it for me or for someone else?

Desire – Why do I want this change? What can I do to strengthen my motivation? Who can I enroll in my cause? Who can I ask to support me?

Skills – What is my plan to overcome/change? What skills do I need to gain? Who can teach me what I don’t already know?

Do you remember Aesop’s fable of the goose and the golden egg?

One morning a farmer finds a glittering, golden-colored egg sitting beneath his goose. At first he thinks it is a prank, but he decides to have the egg appraised just in case.

To the farmer’s amazement, the egg is pure gold!

And each morning his prize goose continues laying the valuable eggs.

The farmer becomes extremely wealthy. But he also becomes greedy and impatient.

One day in his frustration the farmer kills the goose, hoping to get all of the golden eggs at once from inside the goose.

As we all know, the farmer finds nothing. And now, he has neither a goose nor any more golden eggs.

The Moral of the Story

The moral of this story is normally about the danger of greed. The farmer grasped for too much wealth in too short of a time.

But, there is a broader lesson about balance. There is always a tension between results and the ability to produce those results (aka effectiveness).  

The P/PC Balance

The P/PC Balance is about balancing between two extremes:

  • Extreme #1: Focusing only on golden eggs or producing short-term results. In the long-run, you lose your ability to produce results at all because you never nurture your production capacity.
  • Extreme #2: Focusing only on the goose or production capacity. Without short-term results, you will not survive (literally or figuratively) to see the long-term payoff.

Either extreme is a problem.  So, you have to strive for a balance between the two. And that delicate balance is the essence of effectiveness.

You have to work at this balance if you want to be consistently effective in any area of your life.  This includes your job, ability to earn money, investing, relationships, and health.

Simply 75 Challenge

This is going to be my Simply Succeed version of the 75 Hard challenge. It’s 75 days of discipline and creating healthy habits.

What do I have to do?

Here are the 5 things you will need to do EVERYDAY.

  • Track your food
  • Follow an exercise program (target daily movement)
  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water. No soft drinks allowed.
  • Read 10 pages of something that you learn something from
  • Journal

Tracking Food

I am going to use the MyFitnessPal app (free version). There are other apps you could use like LoseIt! You could even just be old school and write it on a piece of paper. It’s about accountability of how you are fueling your body. If you don’t want to write it down, don’t eat it.

Follow an Exercise Program

BODi is my JAM! You could go the gym, walk outside, or find free online workouts on YouTube. Create a calendar of what you are going to do each day and when you will do it. Make it like an appointment that you cannot miss.

Drink 64 ounces of Water

Get a reusable water bottle that you know how many ounces it holds. Fill it up and drink all of it before refilling it. That way you have a target of how many refills you need.

Want a bigger challenge: Go full out and drink a gallon of water a day.

Reading & Journalling

This is part of the challenge because we want to have a growth mindset. To grow your mind, you need to learn something new.

The journal part is a reflection and gratitude. Reflecting on how the day went and what you are grateful for.

Why 75 days?

There is really no science behind it. It’s more about creating the habits so that they last. It takes roughly 30-45 days to make the habit. Then add 30-45 days to make it stick for life.

When do we start?

I am starting TOMORROW!! Why wait until a Monday. Plus I will finish a few days before my birthday.

#111 Fuel or Filler

This week I challenge you to really think about what food you are eating and when/why you are eating it. Are you eating to fuel your body with nutritious food or are you eating for other reasons?

This is definitely a challenge for me. I am a bored, stressed, lazy eater.

  • Bored: Grab popcorn or something while I am watching TV. Especially those cooking shows. They make me hungry, but I LOVE them.
  • Stressed: Had a stressful day at work or a stressful meeting. I “reward” myself with a snickers bar or something unhealthy. “I deserve it for putting up with it…”. lol. Or at least that is what I tell myself.
  • Lazy: I know the way I should eat, but it takes work to do that. You have to plan ahead to make sure you have the food, cook the food, and then do the dishes. It sometimes easier just to go out to eat or throw in a frozen pizza.

Now am I this way all the time? Absolutely not, but I am self aware of my eating habits and when I am tempted I try to think before I eat or prepare ahead of time.

Fuel Your Body Tips:

  • Use the weekend to plan your upcoming week. What do you have going on? What’s the weather supposed to be like?
  • Make your lunches and snacks ahead of time so it is a grab and go. You will be less tempted to grab the unhealthy snack if you open the fridge and you can grab something ready for you.
  • If you know you will be running around put a protein bar or bag of nuts in your purse or car.
  • Don’t eat the same thing week after week. You will get bored and definitely stray off the path. Try a new recipe each week or new vegetable/fruit you haven’t tried.
  • Remember that things that seem like a healthier option may be just a filler as the unhealthy. For example: a large muffin typically has the same amount of sugar and fat as a large cupcake.
  • Think about the extras you put on your food. Extra dressing on your salad is diluting the fuel you are trying to eat.

I’m Not a Dog Person

That’s what I told myself forever. I have always been a cat person since I was little. My sister in laws all had dogs and I never got it. My thoughts were: dogs smell, they are needy, and they are so much work…..

Then about 1.5 years ago we dog sat for Sammy while Joe’s Mom was in Hawaii for a month and a half. Gotta be honest, I was not happy or excited about it. I bought covers for the furniture so they wouldn’t get fur and dog smell on them. The first couple days were hell…. Sammy and the cats were constantly fighting and she wouldn’t sleep in her crate. After about a week, she started to grow on me. Then we became hiking buddies. By the time she left, I actually kinda halfway missed her. Then we dog sat again, and I completely missed her.

Dog-sitting Sammy

Finally 4 months ago (Dec 19th), I was scrolling through Facebook and there were these puppies. Now I have been sending Joe pics of different dogs for about a year with an definitive no from him. Mainly because the cats hate dogs, but also the work/time needed. Shockingly he said (and I quote), “inquire if you want to.” Well I took this is as a YES! And ran with it. We picked up our 12 week old Piper that night. I spent my lunch hour buying all the things so we were ready for her.

She is the bright pink one.
Her mom and siblings
Her Dad – unknown breed
A couple weeks old
1 month old
Almost 2 months old
1st Day at Our House!!!

If you been anywhere near me these last 4 months, you would have heard me mention her at least once. She is seriously like my baby. I show pictures to whoever will look and tell stories of the cute funny things she does. Yeah…I am that person now. I’m the person that I didn’t get a few years ago. Dogs have this way of just melting your heart.

1st Christmas

We go on walks everyday (as long as it isn’t raining) and hiking at Mt. St Francis woods (that place is peaceful and with super nice trails). Plus get treats afterward – me a fruit smoothie and Piper gets a pup cup.

1st hike and refused to look at the camera . 4 months old.
So freaking cute! She’s 5 months old here.
Enjoying her pup cup

We graduated the beginner obedience program.

She is seriously the sweetest dog that loves everybody and thinks every person wants to pet her and every dog wants to play with her.

Doggie Daycare on Tuesday’s
Piper and Rosie playing. Rosie is the neighbor dog that comes over to play.

Joe says she is definitely my dog since she started putting herself to bed on a couple nights. (Yes…she has a teddy bear.)

Piper in her bed
Loved taking naps together
Her Christmas present
Almost 3 months
3 months
Valentines Day
4 Months old
5 Months old
The first tragedy…she found my gnome
5 months old

#110 Eat with Purpose

This week’s challenge is to ONLY eat with two purposes.

  • To fuel your body
  • To appreciate flavors

Food is good! You can and should absolutely enjoy eating AND you can do this with these 2 purposes in mind.

Food is meant to be fuel for our body. Just as a car needs gas, your body requires good nutritious food to keep it moving efficiently. If you put diesel in a non-leaded vehicle, it will go for a little bit but will destroy your car. That’s exactly what all the junk food / processed food is doing to our bodies. We also have to keep filling up our car, make sure you are eating throughout the day. Don’t save your calories for later. By eating throughout the day you keep your blood sugar from dropping and your metabolism running.

Now I will be the first to admit that I am completely, absolutely guilty of eating all the junk. And I am the perfect example of why you can’t out train a bad diet. I am committed/dedicated to my workout plan, but food…not so much. Therefore, until I change my mindset and have the same commitment as my workouts I will always have “the belly…”. That’s where this week’s challenge is starting.

Now with the “healthy food” it doesn’t taste as good as the junk since it doesn’t have the sugars and other additives. That’s where the second part of the challenge comes in. You can make the healthy food taste good. There are so many recipes out there to choose from. Take a few minutes today to find some recipes that you want to try.

You can do hard things. Let’s start this week.

#109 Appreciate Good Support

I am going to challenge you this week to take the compliment. Getting support from others involves give and take. When people give you solid helpful support, let them know you appreciate it!

Getting a compliment especially on something that you are working on, but not yet accomplished can be uncomfortable. Do you catch yourself discounting or be negative towards yourself? It’s easy to discount people’s comments because of your own frustrations toward progress to your goal. But when you react to compliments in a negative way, it makes people think their support doesn’t mean anything to you.

Don’t believe me? Think back to when you gave someone a genuine compliment and they dismissed it. How did you make you feel? Now think of when you gave a compliment and the person was appreciative. Who do you think you will give more compliments too?

Just say, “You can’t imagine how much it means to hear you say that. Thank You!!” It is seriously that easy.

This week practice giving and receiving compliments. Make sure you are genuine and see how people react. You can be the positive force that keeps that person continuing on their journey to meet their goals.

#108 It will help me if….

We all have those people around us that want to help us. The problem is they sometimes don’t help us the way we want them to. Guess what? They are not mind readers and probably have no idea that what they are doing isn’t helping you.

That’s where this week’s challenge is about. I challenge you to have the conversations with the people around you. Start with “It will help me if…” followed by what you want them to do. Not only will they be happy you told them, they will feel like they are really supporting you.

In the magic journal you made a few weeks ago, I want you to write a list of things that will help you meet your goals or even just help you be able to rest and relax a little bit. Use this list to have the conversations with the people around you that support you.

Remember that people want to help. They can’t read your mind so you have to actually tell them what you need.

Personal Finance – Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Money doesn’t have to control you. We live in a world where everything costs more than before and sadly our wages aren’t going up with it. This doesn’t mean we go into debt. It means it’s time to take control and tell your money where to go.

Money is a tool or resource that we have and that’s how we need to treat it. Just like any other tool we need to learn how to use it.

Know Your Numbers

This is the first step. You need to understand what your income and expenses are. Fear is likely impacting how you are spending, saving, or enjoying your money. When you know what you have coming in and what you need to spend it gives you confidence to make informed spending decisions.

Wants vs Needs

Next you need to think about what financial goals you have. Where is your money going? Are you spending it on needs or wants? We have the required bills to pay, but what do you do with the leftover? That’s where the “wants” come in. Think about the coffee shop, groceries, going out to eat, etc.

Make and Stick to Budget

When you know your numbers, it is easy to make a budget. The hard part is sticking to it. Track your spending throughout the month. Don’t wait until the end of the month to figure out where you spent. Know where your money is going. I really like the Ramsey Every Dollar app. You can use the free version to make and track your money. There are other great apps out there too. Find one that works for you. The best part is you carry your budget around with you. No excuses that you have to wait to get home.

Have Some Fun

Make sure to include “fun money” in your budget. This is for something you truly enjoy. We work hard for your money so make sure you give yourself a reward.

#107 Become Your Own Cheerleader

Increase your chance of success of meeting your goals by becoming your own cheerleader. So often we depend on others to motivate and keep us going. After the initial excitement, those comments usually stop and our motivation goes with it. Who’s had this happen?

That’s why this week I am going to challenge to become your own motivator. Think of why you are so convinced you can be successful. Invent several phrases that reinforce your determination.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • I’m totally determined because….
  • I’ve got a plan and I am sticking to it!
  • I’m capable of meeting this goal.
  • I can do anything I put my mind to.

If you are still struggling to motivate yourself, find some stories about others that have completed the goal you are after. Let them inspire you to keep going.

Practice by saying, “I CAN DO IT!” 10 times in a mirror.

Put sticky notes around your house, car, or work to remind yourself that you are strong and capable. You can meet this goal!

Leading or Going for a Walk

Our culture loves talking about leadership. We have so many resources at our fingertips – books, podcasts, articles, and blogs discussing the next best leadership solutions. I love John Maxwell’s saying, “If you think you’re leading, but no one is following, then you are only taking a walk.” Leaders need people. Without people to lead there’s no leading happening. So, before adopting the label of leader or climbing new ladders of leading, we have to ask ourselves a question: “Do I value people?”

Another way to ask this question is simply, “Do I care for people?” Or, “Am I motivated to lead for the prestige or power I can gain?” Our world contains enough self-interested leaders. Will you value people first, before trying to lead them anywhere?

Think about the people you consider leaders. What made you think of them as a leader? What actions did they do to have influence over you?

God gives us guidance in what great leaders do. They live righteously. Meaning, they do the right things. In other words, they live by a higher standard than the shifting cultural trends. Additionally, great leaders do not compromise morally. Great leaders live a life according to God’s standards and let God’s morals shape every decision. Cracks in a leader’s character will widen to crevices that will grow to craters, then become canyons. Following God’s standards keeps leaders doing the right things consistently. 

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  1. Who have been the best leaders in my life? (e.g., coaches, teachers, parents, pastors, etc.)
  2. What qualities make them leaders worth following?
  3. Have I ever been frustrated with a leader who did not do the right things morally? Why did he/she fail in this way?
  4. Do I find myself compromising morally in my leadership responsibilities by playing favorites or not addressing problems? How so?