When you start to get out of your comfort zone, you move into the unknown. At least unknown for you. This means that it will get tough and you may fail or not go exactly as you wanted.
If you are “in the tough,” first you need to remember why you started in the first place. Getting back to your why and reflect on where you want to go. Then give your next step a quarter twist. Figure out what was working and what isn’t and keep on going.
Sometimes the tough is happening not by anything you are doing, but by getting negative response and feedback. You start to care more about what they think of you than your big dream. Recognize what you are doing. If they are true friends, they will support you if they understand why you are doing. Make it known to them.
If you are still struggling to find that ambition – here is some advice from Bob Goff:
Find ambitions that will positively impact the lives of others and get you fired up to pursue a few more ambitions for yourself. If you’re going to spend your time, talent, and treasure to get some of those dreams off the ground, isn’t it worth the investment of time and conviction to find the right ones?
I don’t want to be an advertisement for Jesus; I’d rather be proof.