Being Valentine’s, this is the perfect week for this chapter. How many times do you have a conversation with someone and can’t remember a single thing they said. You were just waiting for them to finish so you could talk. Especially if you are in an argument and your thinking of your rebuttal instead of really hearing what the person is saying (even if it is the stupidest thing you ever heard.)
Here’s your challenge this week with the people you care about:
1. When your mind starts to wonder during a conversation, be intentional about bring your attention back.
2. If you are in a disagreement, really listen and repeat back to the person what you heard them say before you respond.
3. Finally tell the person what you really want. No one is a mind reader. If you want something special for Valentine’s Day, for goodness sake tell your spouse! Be general and let them pick it out. Example: I would like flowers, but he will pick the type of flowers. I would like you to cook dinner, and he decides the menu. There is still that specialness there without the disappointment.