Start to Become a Morning Person – #53

“I’m not a morning person” people this one is for you. Even if you are already a morning person, keep reading because there are some good ideas that you could make your mornings even better.
This book has 3 levels of challenge to pick from. I’ll put more info in the comments section.

Easy Challenge: Wake up 15 minutes earlier than normal. How? Bribe yourself. Reward yourself with being able to hit the coffee shop before work or pick something that would motivate you. Tip: Make sure you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm. Taking to first steps will get you moving.

Medium Challenge: Wake up 30 minutes earlier for a WEEK. This will give you a window of me time to do the thing(s) that you want to get done, but never seem to have the time. You can start the day knowing you did something for yourself today.

Hard Challenge: Wake up early for an entire MONTH. It can be the 30 minutes or more depending on how much you want to accomplish before the rest of the house gets up. The key to this is consistency and creating the habit.

Write down what you got accomplished during that extra time that would still be sitting in your to do list if you hit the snooze. You will be amazed at how quickly your body adjusts.

Remember your body still needs 7-8 hours of sleep which means you may need to adjust your bedtime. If you feel like you can’t fall asleep earlier, try turning off electronics earlier, stretching, reading a book, or listening to a sleep meditation.

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