Sticky Teams – Empower & Equip

You made it to the last part of the Sticky Teams series! We are ending with my FAVORITE part of leadership. Equipping people with the skills and knowledge to do the job & letting go to empower them to take on the responsibility. This is my favorite thing to do as leader because you get to actually see the progress they make. I love it when you see that light bulb moment when something clicks for them or when they shine in a meeting. It’s like a proud mom moment for me.

The most important part is training is explaining the why behind how you do things. This is especially critical in the beginning of training. You are flooding the person with a fire hose of information. They will remember the why, but may not remember every step of what to do. Try to “drip” the information to them instead of “spraying” them with the fire hose.

People do not have to think or do the work exactly like you do. This is again where the why comes in. If they can accomplish the output you that is needed, it doesn’t matter how they got it. Take time to learn from them. Empower them to try something new. This is how we get better individually, but also as a company.

I know you have heard the saying ‘actions speak louder than words.’ This is key to being a great leader vs manager. Do your actions as the leader show them what is important? Do you do what you say you will? How do you make your people feel? Are you a role model for them?

These questions are critical to being a great leader. And you don’t have to have people report to you to be a leader. Lead upwards, sideways, and downward. Be the example. Strive to work hard and play hard. Have fun with everything you do. It will make the day go by smoother and quicker.

I hope that you have at least 1-2 takeaways from this 5 part series. If you want to dig in more, please watch the RightNow media series, buy the book, or get it from the library. Note: I am afflicted with it….just really enjoyed it!