Encourage One Another
In the world today we are in constant competition and envy of each other whether it is conscious or sub-conscious. We are so connected with social media and our phones we see what others are doing or what they just bought that we would never have known 20 years ago. We get our feelings hurt when you see a couple of your friends get together & they didn’t invite you. We see someone just got a new (fill in the blank) and now you think you need to have one too. Amazon is only a couple clicks so why not?
I want to challenge my readers this week that instead of posting your highlight reel of your life, take the time to encourage someone instead. Notice something that they did and give them acknowledgement. If they are struggling with something, reach out & send an encouraging message. It doesn’t matter how strong or confident you think that person is. EVERYONE needs encouragement in their life. They need to know that someone cares.
When we build each other up, we make each other stronger. We build better, more authentic relationships. We start to trust each other and know that there is someone out there that has our backs. Who is that person for you? Who can you be that person for?
It starts with one text or phone call. It starts with a funny meme to make them laugh. It starts with allowing yourself to know that this world is temporary and that we need to be Jesus in this world.
Make someone’s day today by just showing up for them in whatever way you feel comfortable. Don’t do it because “you have to.” Do it because you want to. That person CAN tell the difference. Be your authentic self. There is only one of you out there. So be YOU!!
Need some ideas: check out this site for 100 ideas – https://sharinglifeandlove.com/blog/how-to-encourage-someone-100-unique-and-easy-ways/