Weekly Challenge

Stop Trying to Fix People

This week I want you to think about that friend you keep giving advice to and they won’t listen. I challenge you to try this instead: stop and just listen to them. Let them work it out in their own way. You have no idea all the thoughts going on inside their head. You only know what they choose to tell you. So be a sounding board for them. When they actually get out of that bad situation they will be thankful you were there for them and PROUD of themselves because they did it. They made the choice to improve themselves.

Practice Letting Go

We all have that friend or family member who is just drama. Or maybe you are that friend or family member…
This week I want to challenge you to let that drama in your life go. We all have drama in our lives, BUT it’s how you react to it that matters. You can’t control how others act but you can control you. You GET to make that choice of whether to join in on it and become stressed, frustrated, annoyed, etc… or you make the choice to not engage.
You make the choice to take the high road no matter how steep it feels. Charge up that hill and when you get to the top throw your hands up in victory because you did it!

What Can You Control

I am a recovering control freak. My mindset was that everything needed to be a certain way & people should act a certain way. By certain way I mean my way (aka the right way 😂)
As I am continuing this personal growth journey, I realized I can only control myself. I can control how I react to situations. I can control the habits and activities I do in a daily basis. I cannot control what other people do or don’t do. Yes, it’s frustrating when you see someone not trying to reach their potential, but it’s not your job.
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Be a control freak with your reactions

There is No Magic Pill

We just want a quick fix to be this healthy person. Workouts won’t do it alone (believe me I know…).
How many times have you lost weight just to gain it all back. It’s because you didn’t address the real reason you gained the weight in the first place. Why do you overeat? Why do you eat food that doesn’t nourish your body (besides the fact that it tastes good)?
That’s your challenge for this week. Really dig deep in reflection on the real reasons you eat the way you do. What can you improve on? What works for you? How can you hold yourself accountable? No one can do it for you. It’s all you!!

Manage Your Inner Critic

We all have it…that little voice inside saying we can’t do something, we aren’t good enough, we could never achieve….
Your challenge this week is to notice when that voice starts and silence it. Catch yourself saying I would…., but….. or that fear creeping in with the what if’s.
Know that you are enough! You can do the hard things. Those hard things make us better. Yes, you might fail, but as long as you learn from it and try again. That’s what life is all about.

No More Fat Talk

What the heck is fat talk? Here are some examples:
“You look great! Have you lost weight?”
“I just feel fat.”
“I can’t believe I pigged out so bad!”
“I was really bad today and ate pizza.”
“I can only wear that if I lost 10 lbs.”

Most people are guilty of making these kind of statements. It’s become normal and comfortable. These statements also lead to crash diets & unhealthy negative self talk.

Your challenge this week is to notice when fat talk comes out of your mouth. Then stop what you are saying and turn it into something positive about yourself. One great tip is to stop thinking externally and think internally. What behaviors, talents, passions, skills do you have?

If you made a list of 10 of your favorite things about your best friend, I highly doubt weight would be one of them. Be your own best friend.

Be Perfectly Imperfect

Embrace all those “imperfections” that you think about yourself. Those are the things that make you who you are. Your challenge for this week is to think about the things you think are imperfections and put them in a positive light. What you tell yourself you will believe.

Get Your Passion Back

It is so easy to become complacent in your life. You go through your day just trying to get what you need to get done actually done. The problem is we lose our passion that way. We forget what makes us happy. We don’t have time for that thing that lights us up inside OR sometimes we outgrow that thing and need to find a new thing.

It’s okay to change your mind! It is your life! Don’t worry about what people will think. Wouldn’t you rather be happy searching and growing that new passion than stuck being miserable knowing you are not living up to your potential?

This week I want you think about your daily routine. Are you doing something you are passionate about or just going through the motions? Your challenge is to identify those passions and include them into your daily life.

Move Forward & Grow

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
We all had something happen to us that wasn’t quite in our plans. You get 2 choices when this occurs. You can play the victim and blame others OR you take accountability for what happened and figure out what went wrong and how YOU can do better next time. Hint: if you want a great life, pick the 2nd option 😉
Taking responsibility is not always easy. It’s having to take a hard look at yourself and be honest with yourself. No one is perfect and everyone has room to grow.
Is there something you are holding onto that is holding you back from living your best life? Write it down. Now think of ways to let it go and free yourself so you have room for all those new experiences and adventures.

Friendships Matter

Everyone needs somebody. We are not meant to do this life alone.

You are a mix of the 5 people you surround yourself with. The best part is that you get to choose those people. Choose people that bring you up and not tear you down.